Mushroom of the Month. March 23, Urnula craterium (Devil’s Urn)
The Devil's Urn (Urnula craterium) is a cup fungi that comes out in early spring. It is parasitic on oaks and other hardwoods in its anamorph state but is saprobic in its telemorph state. It is grey on the outside of the cup and dark on the inside. Looking with a...
Mushroom of the Month: February 2023 Chlorociboria aeruginosa
Chlorociboria aeruginosa or Chlorociboria aeruginascens This fungus is also called the Emerald Elf Cup. The genus includes 23 species. The green staining of wood is more often seen than the cup like fruiting bodies. It is an Ascomycete. The hyphae and fruit...
Mushroom of the Month: January 2023 Byssomerulius incarnatus
Byssomerulius incarnatus also called Phlebia incarnata The Coral Pink Merulius is a fungus in the family Meruliaceae.This mushroom grows in overlapping clusters on downed hardwood logs. This is considered a crust fungus even though the fertile layer is not smooth. ...
We Need Your Fungi Photos!
Hello Mushroom Club of Georgia members. We have this fun new website, and we'd like to fill it with more beautiful mushroom images. Are you an amateur photographer? Do you love to combine your love of fungi with your love of photography? Would you love to help the...
Welcome to Our New Site
Welcome to the new Mushroom Club of Georgia website! We are excited to premiere the new WordPress site with fresh photos by our members Bonnie Heath and Andrew Aceto. We’ve updated the resources page with fungi Podcasts, YouTube channels and other exciting educational...