mushroom club of georgia

Mushroom Club of Georgia

mushroom club of georgia

Mushroom Club of Georgia

We Need Your Fungi Photos!

Hello Mushroom Club of Georgia members. We have this fun new website, and we’d like to fill it with  more beautiful mushroom images.

Are you an amateur photographer? Do you love to combine your love of fungi with your love of photography? Would you love to help the Mushroom Club of Georgia promote itself? If the answer is yes to all of those questions, please submit your photos!

We are looking for photos that are in focus, well composed and have pleasing natural light. They can be taken during one of our mushroom walks, or during your independent walks in the woods for fungi in Georgia. By submitting your images, you agree to give us usage on our website and social media. To submit your image or if you have any questions, feel free to email Bonnie Heath. Thanks for helping MCG grow with your photography!